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Why Choose Us

Why Choose Us

Care Recruitment Specialisation

At Dame Care Services, we specialise in the recruitment of both self-employed carers and carers who want to join our agency. We take pride in ensuring that the right carer is matched with the right client, and our care recruitment team works diligently to achieve this.

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Senior Doctors

Quality of Care

We understand that inviting someone into your home to provide care can be a major step that comes with some reservations. Therefore, we work tirelessly to ensure that you receive the best quality of care from our friendly and professional private carers. They will help you as little or as often as you require, and our aim is to help maintain your independence while providing personalized care in a dignified and compassionate manner.

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Nursing Staff
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Completed Cases
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Senior Doctors

Customized Care Packages

At Dame Care Services, we work with you, your family, and our care recruitment team to establish your needs and preferences. By doing this, we create a bespoke care package that’s completely unique to you. This ensures that the care provided is tailored to your specific requirements and preferences.

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Nursing Staff
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Completed Cases
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Senior Doctors

Highly Trained and Certified Carers

We also ensure that our carers are highly trained, DBS checked, and fully certified to give you peace of mind about the individual you are bringing into your home. By choosing us, you know you are choosing an agency that offers full support and training every step of the way for the care team as well as prioritising people.

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Nursing Staff
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Completed Cases
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Senior Doctors